64th District Transportation Projects
Being a member on the Transportation Committee in Richmond allows me to closely monitor bills and resources that can help improve the transportation infrastructure in our area.
On this page you will find updates on all headline projects that are taking place in and around the district that will improve traffic and help keep pace with our growing community.
For more information click any underlined project name. Each one is linked directly to VDOT's project list.

List of projects, Completed and Upcoming
Recently Opened
- The 670-million-dollar express lane project was completed in June of 2024.
- Extended the existing express lanes an additional 10 miles to Exit 133 in Stafford.
- New access points at exit 148 (Quantico), exit 140 (Courthouse Road), and exit 133 (Route 17).
Coming Soon
- Banks Ford Parkway and Celebrate Virginia Parkway
- Modular structures reduce cost and construction time.
- Construction began in July 2024 with resurfacing, followed by installation of modular roundabout pieces in August-October 2024 on the improved road surface.
- Traffic is now traveling in a roundabout pattern.
- Final construction activities will be underway in November 2024 to install accessible pedestrian crossing features.
Improvements to Route 1 and Route 630 (Courthouse Road):
- Adds dedicated left and right turn lanes at Courthouse Road and Route 1, and Route 1/Bells Hill/Hope Road intersection.
- Addition of sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian crossings.
Improvements to Route 1 and Telegraph Road:
- Telegraph and Route 1 intersection will get realigned with a permanent traffic signal installed.
- Construction begins 2024
Improvements to Route 1 and Woodstock Lane:
- Woodstock Lane and Route 1 will be widened and a concrete median will be constructed to separate northbound and southbound traffic.
- Left turn lane for Route 1 South to be added
- Left turns onto Route 1 south from Woodstock Lane will be prohibited. The Right turn to go Northbound on Route 1 from Woodstock Lane will still be allowed.
- Construction begins 2024
Route 644 (Rock Hill Church Road):
- Temporary bridge over Aquia Creek will be replaced.
- Construction starts 2025, finishes in 2026.

In Design
Route 648 (Stefaniga Road) and Route 627 (Mountain View Road):
- Reconstructs the intersection shifting it slightly north to align with Lightfoot Drive.
- Converts the intersection into a roundabout.
- Construction starts in 2026
Route 648 (Shelton Shop Road):
- Widening of Shelton Shop Road between Garrisonville Road and Mountain View Road.
- Intersections with Winding Creek Road, Courthouse Road, and Mountain View Road will be improved with addition of roundabouts and turn lanes.
- Construction starts 2027
Route 628 (American Legion Road & Eskimo Hill Road):
- Adds westbound left turn lane to Eskimo Hill Road at Route 1 intersection.
- Adds eastbound left turn lane American Legion Road at Route 1 intersection.
- Modifies Route 1 intersection to accommodate the new turn lanes.
- Construction starts 2028
Falmouth Bridge Rehabilitation Project
- Mill and overlay the bridge deck.
- Replace the bridge's concrete rail and sidewalk.
- Repair the bridge's concrete substructure below the bridge deck.
- Strengthen and repair the bridge's structural steel girders.
- Construction starts Fiscal Year 2029. (July 1, 2028 - June 30, 2029)
Fredericksburg River Crossing Parkway
- Study for a river crossing bridge and parkway west of I-95, across the Rappahannock River.
- This new crossing would provide direct access between Stafford County and the City of Fredericksburg and would serve to alleviate congestion for local traffic.
- Study for the project is still being conducted.
​Road Shoulder Widening:
- Hartwood Road
- Kellogg Mill Road
- Mountain View Road
- Winding Creek Road
- Brent Point Road
- Decatur Road
VDOT Park & Ride Lot Resurfacing:
- Staffordboro Boulevard
- Mine Road, Stafford
- Route 17, Stafford