What is the 64th
Paul's Announcement Press Release
November 17, 2022:
Stafford, VA— Former Stafford County Supervisor Paul Milde today declared his candidacy to represent the 64th District, wholly contained within Stafford County, in the Virginia House of Delegates. Milde will seek the Republican
“Virginia, like our nation, is confronting challenges we haven’t seen in forty years. The rising cost of living, spurred by energy policies that fuel inflation, is reducing our quality of life. Lengthy school closures and a politicized curriculum have harmed our children’s education. Reduced penalties for violent crimes and early release for violent criminals have made all of us less safe. All of these crises make it that much more
difficult to resolve our region’s long-standing transportation needs."
“Virginians elected Governor Youngkin to reverse the direction Democrats in Richmond and Washington were taking us. He’s made tremendous progress in reversing our decline. Now, we need representatives in Richmond who are committed to finishing the job by enacting sensible energy policies, recommitting our schools to educating our children in life skills instead of woke politics, supporting law enforcement’s efforts to combat crime, and addressing our region’s unique transportation needs. I have the proven experience to be that representative in the House of Delegates."
“As a conservative, I know how to be fiscally responsible in addressing these challenges. On the Stafford Board of Supervisors, I oversaw our county’s job growth rating soar to first in the state. I successfully fought to reduce personal property taxes while strengthening our bond rating to AAA. And, I led the effort to repeal the BPOL tax, which reduces job growth by burdening small and family-owned businesses."
“As Delegate, I will be a strong voice for our conservative principles and traditional values in Richmond. I’ll support sensible energy policies that will reduce our cost of living. I will fight the woke liberals’ agenda by getting politics out of our classrooms. I will ensure our police are funded and respected. I will oppose tax increases and wasteful spending schemes. I’ll support Governor Youngkin’s efforts to reduce abortions and fight the liberals’ unending efforts to undermine 2nd Amendment rights."
“Virginia has been a national leader before and, with strong conservative leadership, can be again. I am ready to serve my Stafford neighbors in Richmond and will work tirelessly to earn their support.”
The 64th District in the Virginia House of Delegates is wholly contained within the
borders of Stafford County.